برای نمایش بهتر وب سایت از ورژن جدید مرورگر فایرفاکس یا گوگل کروم استفاده نمایید.
دانلود ورژن جدید فایرفاکس
دانلود ورژن جدید کروم
پنجشنبه 23 اسفند 1403
مرکز تحقیقات ایمنی غذا و دارو
Food and Drug Safety Research Center
صفحه دانشگاه
صفحه اصلی
درباره مرکز
معرفی مرکز
چارت سازمانی
زمینه فعالیت
عملکرد مرکز
نشانی سازمانی و شیوه ارجاع
اولویت های پژوهشی مرکز
لوگوی مرکز
لینک اعتبار سنجی مرکز
اهداف مرکز و ماموریت ها
اعضای مرکز
رییس مرکز
معاون پژوهشی مرکز
شورای مرکز
اعضای هیئت رئیسه
اعضای شورای عالی مرکز
اعضا شورای پژوهشی
اعضای هیئت علمی
محققین و دانشجویان مرکز
امکانات مرکز
توانمندی های مرکز
مقالات مرکز
لیست تجهیزات مرکز
فلوچارت تصویب طرح
فرم ها
طرح پیشنهادی تحقیق(پروپوزال)
فرم گزارش نهایی
خدمات الکترونیکی
فهرست اصلی
فهرست اصلی
صفحه اصلی دانشگاه
برنامه استراتژیک مرکز
تماس با ما
سامانه نوپا
چارت سازمانی
پرسش و پاسخ
نام و نام خانوادگی
: دکتر محبوب نعمتی
: رئیس مرکز
مدرک تحصیلی
: دکترای تخصصی شیمی مواد خوراکی و آبشناسی پزشکی
: آذربایجان شرقی، تبریز، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تبریز، دانشکده داروسازی، طبقه سوم، اتاق 258
: 04133372250 داخلی 212
علم سنجی
گوگل اسکولار
Mahboob Nemati
Professor of Food Chemistry and Medical Hydrology
Personal details:
Department of Pharmaceutical & Food Control, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz-IRAN.
, mahnema@yahoo.com
.: +98-413-3341315
.: +98-413-3344798
Academic qualifications:
Pharm. D:
1997, from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2003, in Food Chemistry and Medical Hydrology, from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2003, in Food Chemistry and Medical Hydrology, from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Positions held:
Instructor in Food Chemistry and Medical Hydrology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
- 2008:
Assistant professor of Food Chemistry and Medical Hydrology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz-IRAN.
Associate professor of Food Chemistry and Medical Hydrology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz-IRAN.
professor of Food Chemistry and Medical Hydrology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz-IRAN.
Research experiences:
Nutritional value of Food samples
Quality control of Bottled mineral waters
Assessment of effect of natural mineral waters on patients with renal stones
Drug residue in food samples
Extraction and analysis of Nutraceuticals in Food samples
Determination of Mycotoxins, PAHs, Food contact materials in Food samples
Current Research:
Food analysis & Control (Nutritional value, additives, contaminants, adulteration)
Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods (analysis)
Mineral waters & Hydrotherapy (Therapeutic effects of mineral waters)
Teaching experiences:
Bromatology (Food Science)
Nutrition and Diet therapy
Food Analysis & Control
Enzyme Chemistry and Food Applications
Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
Food Toxicology
Hydrology and Hydrotherapy
Contributing in publication of the book entitled:
Food and Drug Interactions
, In Persian, ISBN 964-6022-64-2.
1) Farajzadeh, M.A., Mohebbi, A., Pazhohan, A.,
Nemati, M.,
Afshar Mogaddam, M.R., Air–assisted liquid–liquid microextraction; principles and applications with analytical instruments, TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 122,115734.
2) Ghalebi, M., Tamizi, E., Ahmadi, S., Sheikhloo, A.,
Nemati, M.,
Dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction technique for the pre-concentration and quantification of vitamin D3 in milk and yogurt samples using a non-aqueous HPLC method,Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2019, 18(2): 677-685.
3)Taghvimi, A., Hamidi, S.,
Nemati, M.,
Magnetic dispersive solid phase microextraction technique coupled with LC–MS/MS for evaluating content versus label claims in ephedrine-free food supplements, Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 2019,14(3): 275-282.
4)Ghaderi, F.,
Nemati, M.,
Siahi-Shadbad, M.R., Valizadeh, H., Monajjemzadeh, F., Evaluation the effect of amine type on the non-isothermally derived activation energy for the interaction of 3 antidepressant drugs with lactose, Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2019, 9(2): 289-293.
5)Mohebbi, A., Farajzadeh, M.A.,
Nemati, M
., Sarhangi, N., Afshar Mogaddam, M.R., Development of green sodium sulfate-induced solidification of floating organic droplets–dispersive liquid phase microextraction method: Application to extraction of four antidepressants, Biomedical Chromatography, 2019, 33(11): e4642
Hassannejad, M.
Alizadeh, K.
Nemati, M.
Determination of 17-β-Estradiol in water samples using salting-out assisted liquid-liquid extraction followed by hplc and experimental design for optimization
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research
, 2019; 6(2): 353-363.
Ghaderi, F.
Nemati, M.
Siahi-Shadbad, M.R.
Valizadeh, H.
Monajjemzadeh, F.
Determination of thermokinetic and thermodynamic parameters of alprazolam-lactose interaction based on non-isothermal DSC studies
Pharmazeutische Industrie
, 2019; 81(2): 256-261.
Hamidi, S.
Nemati, M.
Terephthalic acid determination in mineral water stored in PET bottles using a novel magnetic dispersive micro solid-phase extraction followed by high-performance liquid chromatography
Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
2019, 14(2):173-177.
N Rezaee Moghadam, A Javadi, F Lotfipur, M Ansarin, E Tamizi,
M Nemati
, Determination of Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin residues in five different kind of chicken tissues by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction coupled with HPLC, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2018; 17 (4): 1182-1190.
10) S Aghazadeh,
M Nemati
, E Sharif Nia, H Hamishehkar , The cost benefit of Drugs and Medical consumables in common Global gynecological surgeries of two educational-therapeutic hospitals of Tabriz city, Journal of Modern Medical Information Sciences, 2018; 3 (2), 49-55.
11) Ahmadi, Y., Haghjoo, A.G., Dastmalchi, S.,
Nemati, M.
, Bargahi, N., Effects of Rosuvastatin on the expression of the genes involved in cholesterol metabolism in rats: adaptive responses by extrahepatic tissues, Gene , 2018; 661, 45-50.
Nemati, M.
, Nofuzi, S., Ahmadi, S., Monajjemzadeh, F., Quality control of the migration of bisphenol a from plastic packaging into iranian brands of food grade oils
Open Access, Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018; 24(2), 141-147.
13) Khodadadi, A.,
Nemati, M.
, Tamizi, E., Nazemiyeh, H., Facile and accelerated method for detection of adulteration in commercially available lime juice products in Iranian market, Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018; 24(2), 148-156.
14) Amirkhizi, B.,
Nemati, M
., Arefhosseini, S.R., Shahraki, S.H., Application of the ultrasonic-assisted extraction and dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the analysis of AFB1 in egg, Food Analytical Methods, 2018; 11(3), pp. 913-920.
15) Sadrykia, F., Shayanfar, A., Valizadeh, H.,
Nemati, M.
, A Fast and Simple Method for Determination of Vitamin E in Infant Formula by Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Combined with HPLC-UV, Food Analytical Methods, 2018;
16) Ghaderi, F.,
Nemati, M
., Siahi-Shadbad, M.R., Valizadeh, H., Monajjemzadeh, F., Evaluation of activation energy conformity derived from model-free non-isothermal predictions and Arrhenius isothermal results: The case of hydrochlorothiazide–lactose reaction, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017; 130(3), 1417-1427.
17) Ghaderi, F.,
Nemati, M
., Siahi-Shadbad, M.R., Valizadeh, H., Monajjemzadeh, F., Physicochemical analysis and nonisothermal kinetic study of sertraline–lactose binary mixtures, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2017; 25(3), pp. 709-716.
18) Ghaderi, F.,
Nemati, M
., Siahi-Shadbad, M.R., Valizadeh, H., Monajjemzadeh, F., Thermal stability and kinetic study of fluvoxamine stability in binary samples with lactose, Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2017; 7(1), pp. 43-51.
19) Ghaderi, F., Nemati, M., Siahi-Shadbad, M.R., Valizadeh, H., Monajjemzadeh, F., Tracking of the Maillard reaction products in Pharmaceutical formulations of sertraline hydrochloride, International Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences, 2017; 3(1):1-10.
20) Aziz Homayouni Rad,
Mahboob Nemati
, Zeinab Rahimzadeh Sani, Hossein Servat, Farnaz Hajieghrari, Fluctuations in the Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) Drink in Refrigerated Storage, European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences 2016; 5(3): 812-818.
21) Mir
Michael Mousavi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Ali Akbar Alizadeh Nabili, Mansour mahmoudpour, Seyedrafie Arefhosseini, Application of dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry as effective tool for trace analysis of organochlorine pesticide residues in honey samples, J IRAN CHEM SOC,
Mahboob Nemati
, Aliasghar Hamidi, Solmaz Maleki Dizaj, Vahid Javaherzadeh, Farzaneh Lotfipour,
An Overview on Novel Microbial Determination Methods in Pharmaceutical and Food Quality Control,
Adv Pharm Bull
, 2016, 6(x), x-x.
23) Mir-Michael Mousavi, Seyedrafie Arefhosseini, Ali Akbar Alizadeh Nabili, Mansour Mahmoudpour,
Mahboob Nemati
, Development of an ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction method for the determination of chlorpyrifos and organochlorine pesticide residues in honey samples using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry,
J. Sep. Sci.
, 1–8.
24) Mansour Mahmoudpour, Javad Mohtadinia, Mir-Michael Mousavi, Masood Ansarin,
Mahboob Nemati
, Application of the Microwave-Assisted Extraction and Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Microextraction for the Analysis of PAHs in Smoked Rice, Food Anal. Methods, 2017; 10(1), pp. 277-286.
25) Mansour Mahmoudpour, Javad Mohtadinia, Masood Ansarin,
Mahboob Nemati
, Dispersive Liquid– Liquid Microextraction for HPLC-UV Determination of PAHs in Milk, Journal of AOAC International, 2016, 99(2): 527-33.
26) Ghaderi, F.,
Nemati, M.
, Siahi-Shadbad, M.R., Valizadeh, H., Monajjemzadeh, F., Physicochemical evaluation and non-isothermal kinetic study of the drug-excipient interaction between doxepin and lactose, Powder Technology, 2015, 286: 845-855.
27) Ghaderi, F.,
Nemati, M.
, Siahi-Shadbad, M.R., Valizadeh, H., Monajjemzadeh, F., DSC kinetic study of the incompatibility of doxepin with dextrose: Application to pharmaceutical preformulation studies, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016; 123 (3), 2081-2090.
28) F. Ghaderi1, M. Nemati, M. Siahi-Shadbad, H. Valizadeh, F. Monajjemzadeh, Kinetics study of hydrochlorothiazide lactose liquid state interaction using conventional isothermal arrhenius method under basic and neutral conditions, Brazilian Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016; 52 (4), 709-714.
Ghaderi, F.
Nemati, M
Siahi-Shadbad, M.R.
Valizadeh, H.
Monajjemzadeh, F
Non isothermal decomposition kinetics and compatibility studies of doxepin with sucrose
Pharmazeutische Industrie
, 2015, 77 (8):1222-1228.
Fardin Javanmardi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Masood Ansarin and Seyyed Rafie Arefhosseini, Optimized Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Microextraction Method and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection for Simultaneous Determination of Sorbic and Benzoic Acids and Evaluation of Contamination of These Preservatives in Iranian Foods, Journal of AOAC International Vol. 98, No. 4, 2015,
pp. 962-970.
31) E. Keramatjou, J. Hesari, S. Azadmard-Damirchi, S.H. Peighambardoust and
M. Nemati
, Antioxidant effect of olive leaf on stability of butter, EJFPP, 2013, 5 (1): 81-94.
32) Fardin Javanmardi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Masood Ansarin and Seyyed Rafie Arefhosseini, Benzoic and sorbic acid in soft drink, milk, ketchup sauce and bread by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction coupled with HPLC,
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, 2014, ….
33) Sh. Emami, S. Azadmard-Damirchi, J. Hesari, S. H. Peighambardoust, Y., Ramezani,
M. Nemati
, M. Esmaili, and S. A. Rafat,
Production of Butter Incorporated with Hazelnut Powder,
J. Agr. Sci. Tech. (2014) Vol. 16: 1623-1632.
Roya Fathitil, Javad Hesari, Sodeif Azadmard-Damirchi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust, Seyed Abbas Rafat and Mostafa Aghamirzaei, Exploring Margarine in Anhydrous Milk Fat by Chromatographic Tools,
Annual Research & Review in Biology, 4(4): 611-624, 2014
Mohammadali Torbati, Hossein Nazemiyeh, Farzaneh Lotfipour,
Mahboob Nemati
, Solmaz Asnaashari, Fatemeh Fathiazad, Chemical composition and
in vitro
antioxidant and antibacterial activity of
Heracleum transcaucasicum
Heracleum anisactis
roots essential oil,
2014, 4(2), 69-74
Mostafa Asadpoor, Masoud Ansarin,
Mahboob Nemati
Amino Acid Profile as a Feasible Tool for Determination of the Authenticity of Fruit Juices ,
Adv Pharm Bull
, 2014, 4(4), 359-362
Hadi Valizadeh • Peyman Nayyeri-Maleki, Saeed Ghanbarzadeh, Ahad Sheikhloo, Hossein Servat,
Mahboob Nemati
, Parvin Zakeri-Milani, Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of two brands of metformin 500 mg tablets in Iranian healthy volunteers, Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation (2014) 44:61–68
38) Naser Aslanabadi, Bohlool Habibi Asl, Babak Bakhshalizadeh, Faranak Ghaderi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Hypolipidemic Activity of a Natural Mineral Water Rich in Calcium, Magnesium, and Bicarbonate in Hyperlipidemic Adults,
Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin,
2014, 4(3), 303-307
39) Mohammadali Torbati, Hossein Nazemiyeh, Farzaneh Lotfipour, Solmaz Asnaashari,
Mahboob Nemati
, Fatemeh Fathiazad, Composition and Antibacterial Activity of
Heracleum Transcaucasicum
Heracleum Anisactis
Aerial Parts Essential Oil,
Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2013, 3(2), 415-418
40) Farnaz Monajjemzadeh, Javad Shokri, Ali Reza Mohajel Nayebi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Yadollah Azarmi, Mohammad Charkhpour, Moslem Najafi, Standardization of Course Plan and Design of Objective Structured Field Examination (OSFE) for the Assessment of Pharm.D. Student’s Community Pharmacy Clerkship Skills,
Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin,
2014, x(x), xxx-xxx
41) Siahi Shadbad M., Ansarin M., Tahavori A., d, Ghaderi F., e,
Nemati M.,
Determination of aflatoxins in nuts of Tabriz confectionaries by ELISA and HPLC methods
Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin,
2012, 2(1): 123-126.
42) M Jafari, Y Ebrahimnezhad, H Janmohammadi K Nazeradl,
M Nemati
, Determination of Metabolizable Energy and True Digestibility of Amino Acids of Poultry By-product Meal of West Azerbaijan and East Azerbaijan in Adult Cecectomized Roosters, Animal Science Researches (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz) 2011; 21(2):57-69.
S.H. Peighambardoust, S. Azadmard Damirchi, R. Fathnejhad Kazemi,
S. Naghavi,
M. Nemati
, S.A. Rafat
Effect of incorporating purslane powder on chemical characteristics, fatty acids profile and sensory quality of bread,
Iranian Journal of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology, 2012, 7: 71-78.
Parvin Zakeri-Milani, Peyman Nayyeri-Maleki, Saeed Ghanbarzadeh,
Mahboob Nemati
and Hadi Valizadeh, In-vitro bioequivalence study of 8 brands of metformin tablets in Iran market, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2012, 2 (8): 194-97.
45) Sh. Emami, S. Azadmard-Damirchi, , J. Hesari, S.H. Peighambardoust, Rafat A, Ramazani, Y,
M. Nemati
, assessment of some chemical properties of a butter enriched with walnut and hazelnut powders, Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal, 2012, 74: 330-335
46) M. Jafari, Y. Ebrahimnezhad, H. Janmohammadi, K. Nazeradl1 and
M. Nemati
, Evaluation of protein and energy quality of poultry byproduct meal using poultry assays, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011, 6(6):1407-1412.
47) S. Azadmard-Damirchi, Sh. Emami, J. Hesari, S.H. Peighambardoust,
M. Nemati
, Nuts Composition and their Health Benefits, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011, 81(57): 508-12.
Hassanzadeh, Kambiz
Roshangar, Leila
Habibi-asl, Bohlool
Farajnia, Safar
Izadpanah, Esmael
Nemati Mahboob
Arasteh, Modabber
Mohammadi, Sadollah
, Riluzole prevents morphine-induced apoptosis in rat cerebral cortex, Pharmacological reports : 2011, 63(3):697-707.
49) Zakeri-Milani, Parvin;
Nemati, Mahboob
; Ghanbarzadeh, Saeed;
Hamishehkar, Hamed; Valizadeh, Hadi; Fasted state bioavailability of two delayed release formulations of divalproex sodium in healthy Iranian volunteers, ARZNEIMITTEL-FORSCHUNG-DRUG RESEARCH, 2011, 61(8): 439-443.
, BABAEI HOSSIN, ANSARIN MASOUD, NOURDADGAR ASHRAF-O-SADAT, Solid Phase Extraction and Simultaneous Determination of Tetracyclines Residues in Cattle Edible Tissues Using an HPLC-FL Method, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research , 2012, 2(3): 781-87.
51) Mehran Mesgari Abbasi, Hossein Babaei , Masoud Ansarin , Ashraf-o-sadat Nourdadgar,
Mahboob Nemati
, simultaneous determination of Tetracyclines residues in Bovine milk samples by Solid phase extraction and HPLC-FL method, Advanced Pharmaceutical bulletin, 2011, 1(1): 34-39.
52) Mohammadreza Ghandforoush-Sattari, Simin O. Mashayekhi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Hormoz Ayromloua, Changes in plasma concentration of taurine in stroke, Neuroscience Letters, 2011, 496, 172–175.
Izadpanah, E.
Nemati, M.
Charkhpour, M.
Hassanzadeh, K
, Decrease in glutamate level in cerebral cortex and lumbar region of spinal cord of rat: A potential mechanism for minocycline in attenuating morphine-induced tolerance,
Scientific Journal of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences
, 2010, 15 (3): 1-12.
54) Kambiz Hassanzadeh, Bohlool Habibi-asl, Leila Roshangar,
Mahboob Nemati
, Masood Ansarin, Safar Farajnia, Intracerebroventricular administration of riluzole prevents morphine-induced apoptosis in the lumbar region of the rat spinal cord, Pharmacological reports, 2010, 62: 664-673.
55) F habibi Nodeh, , S Azadmard-Damirchi, J Hesari,
M Nemati
, B Fathi Achachlouei, E ahmadi,
Effects of microwave treatment of rapeseed on the extracted oil quality
, Journal of Food Research (Agriculture Science), Scientific Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, 2010 20(3):19-29.
56) Mohammadreza Ghandforoush-Sattari, Simin O. Mashayekhi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Ali Seydie and Hamid Azadi, Changes in plasma taurine concentration during a period of heroin detoxification, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry,
2010; 92(8): 1505–1512.
Sodeif Azadmard-Damirchi,
Mahboob Nemati
, Javad Hesari, Masoud Ansarin, Bahram Fathi-Achachlouei, Rapid Separating and Enrichment of 4,4
–Dimethylsterols of Vegetable Oils by Solid-Phase Extraction, J Am Oil Chem Soc, 2010, 87(10): 1155-59.
Sodeif Azadmard-Damirchi, Fatemeh Habibi-Nodeh, Javad Hesari,
Mahboob Nemati
, Bahram Fathi Achachlouei, Effect of pretreatment with microwaves on oxidative stability and nutraceuticals content of oil from rapeseed, Food Chemistry, 2010; 121: 1211-1215.
59) Hadi Valizadeh
Mahboob Nemati
, Somayeh hallaj-Nezhadi, Masood Ansarin, Parvin Zakeri-Milani; Single Dose Bioequivalence Study of α-Methyldopa Tablet Formulations Using a Modified HPLC Method, Drug Research (ArzneimForsch), 2010; 60 (10), 607-11.
Nemati Mahboob,
Mesgari Abbasi Mehran , Parsa Khankandi Hamed, Ansarin Masoud, A survey on the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in milk samples in Ardabil, Iran, Food Control, 2010, 21; 1022-24.
61) B Fathi Achachlouei, S Azadmard-Damirchi, J Hesari,
M Nemati
, Patulin Content in Fruit Juices Produced by Several Factories in Iran
, Journal of Food Research (Agriculture Science), Scientific Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, 2009, 19(1):1-12.
Nemati Mahboob
, Kolahi Sousan, Azarmi Shirzad, Ghorbanihaghjo Amir, Varshoi Mohammad, Mokhtari Reza, Vatankhah Amir mansour, Valizadeh Hadi, The efficacy of a topical gel prepared using Lake Urmia Mud in patients with knee osteoarthritis, Journal of alternative and complementary medicine, 2009, 15(11): 1239-1242
63) Parvin Zakeri-Milani,
Hadi Valizadeh
, Ziba Islambulchilar,
Mahboob Nemati
; Pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence study of two brands of valsartan tablets in healthy male volunteers. Drug Research (ArzneimForsch), 2010; 60(2): 76-80.
64) M.R. Ghandforoush, S. Mashayekhi,
M. Nemati
, P. A. Routledge, A Rapid Determination of Taurine in Human Plasma by LC, Chromatographia, 2009, 69:1427-1430.
65) Hadi Valizadeh, Mohammad Pourmahmood, Javid Shahbazi Mojarrad,
Mahboob Nemati
, Parvin Zakeri-Milani, Application of Artificial Intelligent Tools to Modeling of Glucosamine Preparation from Exoskeleton of Shrimp, Drug development and Industrial Pharmacy,
2009, 35(4):396–407
Parvin Zakeri-Milani, Hadi Valizadeh, Saeed Ghanbarzadeh,
Mahboob Nemati
; Pharmacokinetic study of two clarithromycin suspensions following single oral dose to healthy volunteers, Drug Research (ArzneimForsch),
2009, 59(8): 429-432.
67) Hakami R, Mohtadinia J, Etemadi A, Kamangar F,
Nemati M
, Pourshams A, Islami F, Nasrollahzadeh D, Saber Firoozi M, Birkett N, Boffetta P, Malekzadeh R,
Dietary Intake of Benzo(α)pyrene and Risk of Esophageal Cancer in north Iran
, Nutrition and cancer, 2008, 60(2): 216- 21.
68) Habibi B.,
Nemati M.
Delazar A., Mesgari M., Vatankhah A.M., Ordukhanian S.,
Comparison of the therapeutic effects of total extract of
Hypericum perforatum
and calcic and magnesic sulfate mineral water on lipid profile of Hyperlipidemic rats, Pharmaceutical Sciences (Journal of Tabriz Faculty of Pharmacy), Winter(2007), 23-29.
69) Habibi B.,
Nemati M.
Delazar A., Mesgari M., Vatankhah A.M., Soltani A., Influence of the total extract of
hypericum scabrum
and calcic and magnesic sulfate mineral water on lipid profile in rat, Pharmaceutical Sciences (Journal of Tabriz Faculty of Pharmacy), Summer(2007), 15-21.
70) Argani H, Ghorbani Haghjo A,
Nemati M
, Tarzmany M, Sadeghi E,
Influence of Bicarbonate Calcium-Rich Alkaline Mineral Water on Kidney Parameters in Comparison with Tabriz Tap Water in Patients with Renal Lithiasis
, Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, 2008, 30(1): 15-20.
71) Hakami R, Mohtadinia J, Etemadi A,
Nemati M
, Pourshams A, Islami F, Nasrollahzadeh D, Saber Firoozi M, Birkett N, Kamangar F, Boffetta P, Malekzadeh R,
Dietary Intake of Benzo(α)pyrene and Risk of Esophageal Cancer in Iran
, Govaresh, 2007, 12(1): 30- 35.
Mahboob Nemati
, Bohlool Habibi Asl, Kamran Sharifi, Effect of Ketotifen and Cyproheptadine on Appetite and Weight Changes in Mice, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2006, 2(3): 123-128.
Nemati M
Ghorbanpour H, Razavieh SV, Hoseini M, Chemical composition and microbiological quality of the Bonab Kebabs sold in Tabriz market, J. Food safety, 2008, 28(3): 315-23.
Nemati M.,
Valizadeh H, Ansarin M., Ghaderi F., Development of a simple and sensitive HPLC method for determination of glucosamine in pharmaceutical formulations,
Journal of AOAC International,
2007, 90(2): 354-57.
Javid S. Mojarrad,
Mahboob Nemati
Hadi Valizadeh, Masood Ansarin, and Samira Bourbour., Preparation of Glucosamine from Exoskeleton of Shrimp and Predicting Production Yield by Response Surface Methodology, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2007, 55 (6), 2246 -2250.
Nemati M.,
Valizadeh H, Ansarin M., Ghaderi F.,
Assessment of quality of glucosamine preparations available in Drug market of Iran,
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Journal of Tabriz Faculty of Pharmacy), Autumn(2006), 7-12.
Nemati M.,
Valizadeh H., Azarmi Sh., heydari A., Formulation and characterization of a shampoo using Urmia Lake salts, Pharmaceutical Sciences (Journal of Tabriz Faculty of Pharmacy), summer (2006), 19-26,.
Nemati M.,
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Yazdi, M.T., Khosravi, A.A.,
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Babaei H,
Ansarin M, Bahlooli S, Mirmahdavi S, safarzadeh E, Nourdadgar A, Determination of Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline and Chlortetracycline antibiotics residues in meat and some edible tissues( liver and kidney) samples consumed in Ardebil city, 10
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tehran, Iran, October 27-30, 2008.
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Iranian Nutrition congress, Tehran, Iran, October 27-30, 2008.
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Iranian Nutrition congress, Tehran, Iran, October 27-30, 2008.
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Nemati M.,
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Iranian Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference (IPSC 2006), ,Tehran, Iran, Aug 21-24, 2006.
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Nemati M.
Razavieh S. V., Zandieh E., Comparison of Fe, Cu, Zn and phytic acid content of wheat malt extracts prepared from normal and fortified wheat, 9
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tabriz, Iran, Sep 4-7, 2006.
Nemati M.,
Ghorbani A., Rashtchizadeh N., Argani H., Vatankhah A. M., Ansarin M., Moradi R., Assessment of Quality of the Arpadarasi mineral water and it’s effect on Biochemical characteristics of serum and urine of patients with renal stones, 9
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tabriz, Iran, Sep 4-7, 2006.
Nemati M.,
Razavieh S. V., Hoseini M., Assessment of nutritional value and microbiological quality of Bonab Kebabs sold in some areas of Tabriz city, 9
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tabriz, Iran, Sep 4-7, 2006.
Nemati M.,
Argani H., Ghorbani Haghjoo A., Vatankhah A. M., Gharibkhani M., Assessment of Quality of the Kandowan mineral water and it’s effect on Biochemical characteristics of serum and urine of patients with renal stones, 9
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tabriz, Iran, Sep 4-7, 2006.
Nemati M.,
Habibi Asl B., Sharifi K., Effect of ketotifen and cyproheptadine on appetite and weight changes in mice, 9
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tabriz, Iran, Sep 4-7, 2006.
Shahbazi Mojarrad J.,
Nemati M.,
Valizadeh H., Borbor S., Ansarin M., Optimization of preparation of glucosamine hydrochloride and sulfate from chitin, 10
Iranian Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference (IPSC 2006), ,Tehran, Iran, Aug 21-24, 2006.
Ordukhanian S., Habibi Asl B.,
Nemati M.,
Mesgari M., Efeects of flavonoid rich extract of Hypericum perforatum on lipid profile of rats fed a cholesterol rich diet, 10
Iranian Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference ( IPSC 2006), ,Tehran, Iran, Aug 21-24, 2006.
Sadeghi Hokmabadi E., Argani H., Ghorbani Haghjoo A.,
Nemati M.,
Tarzemani K., Influence of magnesium and bicarbonate-rich alkaline mineral water on serum and urinary parameters in patients with renal lithiasis, 9
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tabriz, Iran, Sep 4-7, 2006.
Habibi Asl B., Delazar A.,
Nemati M.,
Mesgari M., Ordukhanian S., Effects of extract of Hypericum perforatum on lipid profile of rats fed a cholesterol rich diet, 9
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tabriz, Iran, Sep 4-7, 2006.
Ordukhanian S., Habibi Asl B., Delazar A.,
Nemati M.,
Vatankhah A.M., Effects of a special mineral water on lipid profile of rat, 9
Iranian Nutrition congress, Tabriz, Iran, Sep 4-7, 2006.
Nemati M.
Oveisi M.R., Abdollahi H., Sabzevari O., Differentiation of bovine and porcine gelatins using principal component analysis, 9
Iranian Seminar of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Aug 23-26, 2004.
Oveisi, M. R.,
Nemati, M.,
and Abdollahi, H. (2002). Differentiation between bovine and porcine gelatins by principal component analysis. 139
British Pharmaceutical Conference Manchester, U.K. 23-25 Sep.2002, Journal of pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2002, 54 (Suppl.)